Tuesday 8 November 2016

Research Investigation Deadline

Hello A2 Media students.

This week I will be assessing the progress of your individual Media Investigations and giving you a grade on etracker

Therefore by Friday 11th November I will need to see the following:

1. The opening paragraph of your Media Investigation.
2. A plan for the structure of the whole Media Investigation
3. A list research sources (minimum 3) appropriately referenced and with a brief summary of what each consists of. 

Your chosen media texts should be on your blog. You can put items 1 - 3 on your blog (preferred option) or if you have insurmountable problems with this route, email me.


This information is for:
Weds 9 - 10.30 am. A2 Media Studies (Butler group) in  3SW6
 Fri     9 - 10.30 am. A2 Media Studies (Hall group) in 2SW11

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