Wednesday 7 March 2018

BBC must fight US tech firms - article in the Guardian by Caroline Davies

Tony Hall, the director general of the BBC warns of seismic changes to the media landscape, which could undermine social unity.
please click on the link below for the full article:

Wednesday 31 January 2018

'Skyfall' (Mendes, 2012) - industry context

1. Working with a partner, each student should each read one of the two articles below on 'Skyfall'  Film Industry context. 
One article relates to marketing; the other to box office numbers

2. Each student should make notes that summarise the key points of their chosen article.

3. Taking turns, each student should explain the key points of what they have learnt to their partner, who should write their own notes.

Marketing in 'Skyfall' (Mendes, 2012) - Article in the Guardian

please click on the link below to read the article:

Box Office for 'Skyfall' (Mendes, 2012) - Article in the Telegraph

please click on the link below to read the article:

The Queen and Daniel Craig

please click on the link below to watch the video: