Wednesday 19 October 2016

Hello A2 Media, Im afraid I've got flu and won't be in this week. It is important that you continue to work on your individual Media Investigation Projects. Please see below for details.

1. Write the the first draft of the opening paragraph.
2. Map out the structure for their Media Investigation as a whole
3. Reference all sources of research and write a s brief summary of each.

N.b. First draft of Media Investigation is due Week 8 ie Weds 2nd November (Butler Group) and Friday 4th November (Hall Group) - i.e. the lesson you usually see me in the 1st week back after half term.

This information is for:
Weds 9 - 10.30 am. A2 Media Studies (Butler group) in  3SW6
 Fri     9 - 10.30 am. A2 Media Studies (Hall group) in 2SW11